♥♥♥“If I could have our time over, I would have found you sooner so that I could have loved you longer”.♥♥♥
In April 2013, a very old, very little and very sick Chihuahua found herself abandoned at Blacktown Pound. This little dog was estimated to be at least 16 years old, quite possibly much older. She had Kennel Cough, Pneumonia, was anaemic and malnourished. The only two teeth she had were completely rotten and filling her system with toxins. She was covered in fleas, had very little hair on her tiny body, which was covered in sores and scabs and her little eyes were horribly infected. The Pound staff knew she was too unwell to stay and that she needed immediate care. So on 2 April 2013, this sick little dog was released to Paws For Thought Rescue under ‘Duty of Care’. She was given a new name – “Marshmallow”, and a chance at a new life.
During her early days in care, it was unclear whether or not Marshmallow would survive. She was such an old dog and she was so terribly unwell. However, after a few weeks, this little dog well and truly earned the name “Miracle Marshmallow”. She overcame all her medical issues and truly began to thrive.
Her will to live was fierce and she was determined to grab her second chance with her paws and gummy little mouth and not let go.
After nearly 2 months in care with PFT, the time came for Marshmallow to spread her wings and join her Forever family. I had contacted Mrs PFT about adopting Marshmallow just days after she had come into care.
On Mother’s Day 2013, Mrs PFT asked me if I still wanted to adopt Marshmallow – through the happiest of tears, I gave her a resounding “yes!”. So, on 25 May 2013, Marshmallow moved to Canberra and her life of love and pampering truly began.
Marshmallow shared her home with numerous other canine and feline siblings, and one totally besotted Mummy. Anything Marshmallow wanted, she got. She never abused this privilege though, and was always so grateful for everything.
Marshmallow had a wardrobe that would put most people’s to shame.
An outfit for every day and every occasion.
She also had a social life busier than most people – every weekend our house was filled with visitors coming for a cuddle with Miracle Marshmallow.
Marshmallow had built up a large following of friends and supporters during her time with Paws For Thought. So, it seemed only right that she should have her own Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/MissMarshmallow5), so that people could continue to follow her journey. This page helped Marshmallow connect with so many wonderful people, many of whom she labelled her “angels”.
It also gave her an opportunity to show off her extensive wardrobe, and a chance to bring some fun and happiness into the lives of others.
Marshmallow’s page showcased the transformation of one little dog from “Pound Pup” to “Pampered Pink Princess”.
During her time with my family, Marshmallow continued to thrive. She reached a healthy weight, her beautiful coat grew back thick and luscious, she had a voracious appetite and she was determined to be involved in absolutely everything that was going on.
I often asked Mrs PFT who the ridiculous puppy I collected in Sydney was and what happened to the ancient old Chi I thought I had adopted.
Despite how well Marshmallow was doing, it was impossible not to know that she was still a very old dog whose body had been ravaged as a result of the neglect she experienced prior to her rescue. So, it was with sadness but not surprise that we received her diagnosis of early-stage kidney failure in July 2013. Unfortunately, there were no treatment options. All we could do was manage the symptoms associated with her illness and hope for the best. For 5 and a half months following her diagnosis, Marshmallow was comfortable and happy, only experiencing minor issues from her ever-failing kidneys.
Being the tough little survivor that she was, Marshmallow also underwent surgery to remove a rapidly growing lump from her little head.
She came through the surgery with flying colours, and her only complaint afterwards was about the shaved patch of hair on her head. As she had managed to do following her rescue, Marshmallow grew that hair back quickly and easily covered up her scar.
Life with Marshmallow was one constantly happy adventure. She had an amazing ability to leave me in fits of laughter every single day
For such a tiny dog, she had a massive personality and she never let anything get in the way of enjoying every moment of life.
However, just prior to Christmas 2013, Marshmallow’s health began to decline rapidly. She had no interest in food, she was lethargic and the light of her bright and bubbly personality was beginning to dim. She was preparing to tell me that her time with me was nearly up. Blood tests showed that Marshmallow was in end-stage kidney failure and that she had only days, or at best, a couple of weeks left to live.
Following this heartbreaking news, Marshmallow stepped out of the spotlight and I spent every moment of the following days by her side. On 2 January 2014, just over one week after the devastating news about the progression of her illness, Marshmallow received her wings.
♥♥♥ I only had 7 short months with my precious little miracle, but they were the most incredible months. Every day I made sure she knew just how much she was loved, treasured and wanted. Every day I did every single thing I could to make up for the neglect she experienced in her past life and to give her everything she deserved. Every day Marshmallow gave me a thousand reasons to smile and a million reasons to be so grateful for the opportunity to share in even a tiny part of her life. ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Opening my heart and home to Marshmallow may not have changed the world, but I know that I was able to change the world for one little dog who was able to live out her final months in comfort, safety and love. I will always cherish the months I shared with my darling old girl, but I will never stop wishing that we’d had so much more time together ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ RIP Marshmallow – I will love you to the moon and back for eternity. ♥♥♥
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She had the best Mumma ever ….one little dog won so many hearts….I love you Miss M
A wonderful tribute to an extremely beautiful little girl dog, called Miss Marshmallow. ♥♥♥