For as long as I can remember, beautiful Kehlsa has been crocheting blankets for me to add to each PFT suitcase when the babies fly the nest. The love, the time, the cost, the goodwill, the kindness of heart – does not go unnoticed.
PFT supporters are beyond amazing.
If it’s cold hard cash, deposits into the account, wine and chocolates to placate a stressed Mrs PFT, BBQ chicken for ALL the doggies at Chateau PFT, washes and grooms for not only the fosters but a pamper session for my own dogs to thank them for the important roles they also play, pet shop gift cards, knitted jumpers – all helps to keep the ever turning cogs of our wheel.
When I embarked on becoming a ‘Rescuer’, I never thought for one second how supported I’d be along the way.
That support ultimately benefits each and every little Wobbly and Crusty who arrives into our care.