April Doggie Doings


A senior sweetheart, PUDDLES arrived into care from Hawkesbury Pound on 1 April. She was old and frail and sad. After a thorough vet consultation with Dr Dave, we learned she had a largish tumour on her tummy and a cancerous lymph node under her arm.  Surgery was booked and she underwent X-rays and ultrasounds and the good news was that the cancer had not reached her chest. On 14 April Puddles underwent two tumour removals and her desexing, with half of the surgery held over due to her age. Puddles is now recovering really well in care and her next bout of surgery for the cluster of tumours on her chest and her dental will commence in a few weeks time.

On 11 April a little white doggie arrived into our care from Blacktown Pound. CREAM PUFF was approximately 8 years old, very sad and skinny, infested in fleas, with an extremely matted coat, and had blood in her urine. Cream Puff underwent dental surgery on 28 April, and had eight rotten teeth removed, and was desexed. Her new Mummy Michelle is waiting in the wings to adopt her and take her to live on the Central Coast.

WALNUT was collected on 29 April from Hawkesbury Pound by PFT transporter Aunty Michelle. She was the eldest of three doggies surrendered after her elderly owner was placed into care and had spent 7 days impounded. Walnut is 10 years old, weighs 2.6 kg and her back legs are fairly stuffed. However this in no way stops her from bouncing about and running up and down the stairs at Chateau PFT.

And WE found our forever homes!

Our cute 12 year old teddy bear doggie DOROTHY was adopted on 11 April and now lives in Western Sydney with her new Mummy Jody.

My beloved SMOO BEAR was adopted by Mummy Jane on 15 April and has gone to live with her in Western Sydney.

CRACKLE was rescued from Blacktown Pound way back on 18 January.  Foster Mummy Carol cared for Crackle on her farm in northern NSW until the right time came for his adoption. Although he has ongoing health issues he has now gone to live in sunny Brisbane with Mummy Fay and her other ex-PFT doggie Tiny Tot.

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