“Baby Brutus” – (No. 40)

Baby BrutusBaby Brutus – was perhaps one of PFT’s most challenging rescues.  And one without a happy ending.  Whilst PFT was away overseas on holiday, a rescue save was arranged and Baby Brutus came into care.  With him came his behavioural baggage from a past life we have no idea about.  For four months he remained in care.  For four months PFT desperately tried to rehabilitate.  To no avail.  Sadly, after biting his 7th person, PFT decided he was unrehomable and unpredictable and gave him his wings.  It was an excrutiatingly difficult decision and not made lightly.  To this day, we fondly remember our heroic man who, given a different upbringing perhaps, could have had a very different life….. he was ‘our Man on a Misson’.

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