Building work at Chateau PFT

2.5 weeks into the building work at Chateau PFT, and…


Not one single morning when Mrs PFT gets up is the positioning of the dogs for the day the same as the day before. She has to take into account the weather, the barking issue, does she want all eight dogs in a pack together, will they be noisy, who will be noisy, who can stay inside, who will toilet inside, if anyone will be home, if she can use the front yard, if she can use the back yard, if she can use any yard, if she can use makeshift pens or if she needs to use the pen in the garden. Carrying around eight dogs every morning to position them – every day being different – has meant much red wine each night has been consumed.

The builders have been more than fantastic. They’ve made Mrs PFT’s job as a rescuer, with building work going on, a lot easier. It helps that they too are animal lovers who adopt rescue dogs and who also foster kittens for AWL!

But life has been busy and challenging. With seven workmen on site, scaffolding around the home, gates open all day long, six work trucks and utes parked outside – all this means Mrs PFT should get some sort of Sainthood for juggling all of this plus working every day!

In the meantime, the sun is finally out in Sydney which makes outdoor living for the dogs much easier and more pleasant.  And it helps when the lovely builders construct a wonderful and safe day-pen for the doggies.Work at Chateau PFT

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